Achilles Squadron
December 3, 2022
Achilles Squadron is an Odessy intersellar PVP squadron focusing on individual, and group skills.
Event will be focused on building and growth for all players and levels. If you're looking to stepup to the next level, this is the place to refine and hone your skills.

Time & Rally Point
12/3/22, 7:00 PM
Meet at Security Post Kareah
About the event
Achilles Squadron is an Odessy intersellar PVP squadron focusing on light/medium/heavy fighters/turrets. Event will be focused on building and growth for all players and levels. If you're looking to stepup to the next level, this is the place to refine and hone your skills.
OI rules and regulations apply. There is a ZERO tolerance for greifing. Event main focus is for weekend fun and growth for all. This is an organized event, please be in-place, prepared, and on-time. This will ensure the speediness and pleasure for all. Event will be held weekly and will be held in different locations to continually change your comfort zones and skills, recommendations are welcome.
RSVP required for participation.
Achilles Squadron is an Odessy intersellar PVP squadron focusing on light/medium/heavy fighters/turrets. Event will be focused on building and growth for all players and levels. If you're looking to stepup to the next level, this is the place to refine and hone your skills.
OI rules and regulations apply. There is a ZERO tolerance for greifing. Event main focus is for weekend fun and growth for all. This is an organized event, please be in-place, prepared, and on-time. This will ensure the speediness and pleasure for all. Event will be held weekly and will be held in different locations to continually change your comfort zones and skills, recommendations are welcome.
RSVP required for participation.
Upcoming Events
- Sat, Mar 15
- Wed, Mar 19
- Sun, Apr 06