The contrasting color suit does make the look more distinctive. You'd know is was OI when you saw it. It there an item list for the pieces and color names?
What we discussed about when we first tried to find a fitting outfit for our securities, we thought that the inquisitor helmet could be a bit misleading. that looks more like a professional killer squad than a corporate security. That was only my argument. these helmets could be used i.m.o. for our special forces. o7
This was the winning armor and is now posted in this forum.
The armor set includes:
Inquisitor Legs Aqua
Inquisitor Chest Aqua
ORCx Arms BLack
Morningstar Helmet Aqua
Odyssey Undersuit Seagreen/Black
The contrasting color suit does make the look more distinctive. You'd know is was OI when you saw it. It there an item list for the pieces and color names?
Also... this may be more flashy if the undersuit is white. Like the arctic suit. 😁
I always like this armor and it's cheap to buy. I prefer the "Black" version of the helmet with the sometimes purple eyes.
I'm less worried about looking menacing because this is security. They should be a bit menacing to detour trouble and feel invincible.
Also, black and grey under suit would be best
This one seems to be my favorite
the undersuit is haunting my dreams. Please take another one if this is the one that makes the run.
What we discussed about when we first tried to find a fitting outfit for our securities, we thought that the inquisitor helmet could be a bit misleading. that looks more like a professional killer squad than a corporate security. That was only my argument. these helmets could be used i.m.o. for our special forces. o7
This is for ground security forces only! civilians and pilots are a different thing