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Crashed Satellite LRV

Crashed Satellite LRV



1. Go to Hurston. 2. Go to Lorville. 3. Turn to heading 83 while hovering in middle of the Lorville spaceport area. 4. Fly 96 km in the given heading.


1. Go to Hurston. 2. Go to HDMO-Calthrope (NA). 3. Turn to heading 302. 4. Fly 46 km in the given heading

Small-Medium-Large ships



HDMS-Edmond: 82.4 km

HDMO-Calthrope (NA): 46.2 km

HDSF-Adlai: 49 km

Space Suite?

Location Description:

If you follow the edge of the water, then 21 km from the water edge to the right in middle of the fields you can see smoke rising indicating the location of the site. During daytime smoke is visible from 40 km away. A HUD marker pops up at 2km from the site.

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