Microtech - Planet Cave N20

-Head to MicroTech - Jump to microTech Logistics Depot S4LD13 - Set heading to 50 - Fly 245 km in the given heading - This is a long flight about 16:30 minutes flight @ 250 m/s
microTech Logistics Depot S4LD13: 244.78 km
 microTech Logistics Depot S4LD01: 613.32 km
 Cry-Astro Processing Plant 19-02: 589.04 km
 Shubin Mining Facility SM0-18: 473.16 km
 Calhoun Pass Emergency Shelter: 449.58 km
Space Suite?
Location Description:
Caution is advised going to this cave as once you are inside it is almost imposible to get out, Bring a friend as he might need to tractor your incap body out of the cave.

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